Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"The Endless Summer"
(Words & Music by Izuan Shah & Auburn)
Love begins with meeting your one kismet kind, with a seasonal greeting…
On a dreamy night…
When tomfoolery is nice…
With our faces in disguise,
I’ll pretend that you are mine, time being.
If the endless summer comes…crashing down when we are not together then,
Will the winter sinners turn…to sapphire burns?
When we are lost…in each other’s arms now.
Make-believe our story as I laugh and cry,
Honestly, it’s a dream…
Strong in absolution…
To be whole enough to please…
Another mortal being,
On the days when I’m sincere...warmth within.
Shall the end of summer come…crashing down, when we are not together,
Will the winter sinners turn…to sapphire burns?
When we are lost…in each other’s arms…
In summer, in this endless summer, will she find her love then…alone and in time?
This endless summer, they’re lost in the summer…he’s lost in her shrine.
When winter is worn,
Then autumn will come.
She plays…always,
He plays…all the games,
They pray…and wait,
In this, endless summer...
*Rationale: An
(Words & Music by Izuan Shah & Auburn)
I understand, the need to compare,
The cards we've been dealt,
And you say, it's not fair...
I'll fall to my knees
When we all just see as one
When we all just feel as one
Well God only knows, why our hearts feel so low,
Sometimes so as to test, where our purity rests,
So it's true, you can't dance,
With the human pretense...
When they all seem so dense,
It's the world you can't stand...
I'll fall to my knees
When we all just see as one
When we all just feel as one
I'd fall
When we'd all just feel the same
When we'd all just feel the same
And I understand, the need to pretend,
When you say, it's not fair,
You're quite alone, as you dare.
*Rationale: Another song I haven't done justice to acoustically at Troubadours. It's on our record Karya, and is one of the few
"Aurora Blues"
(Words & Music by Izuan Shah & Auburn)
Mourn all the souls…
In our darkest of hours…
Mourn all the souls…
In the hall of Valhalla
In the face of the Morta
Epiphany and prophecy…
Sheds the light on all these dreams…
That lie beneath auroras…
And the moon…
The sorrows and fears…
In our darkest of hours…
Mourn all the souls…
In the hall of Valhalla
In the face of the Morta
Monday, November 28, 2005
On 2 and 3 December, Jerome Kugan will be playing the Starbucks Music Series. Alongwith Izzy Mohamed and others.
Starbucks Music Series in association with KLue
2 December, 8-10pm, Starbucks @ Borders, The Curve.
3 December, 3-6pm, Starbucks @ Borders, The Curve.
Jerome will also appear alongside Meor, Mei Chern and Will Ng at The Songwriters Round 21 on 10 December. For more info, go to www. peteteo.com/weblog
The Songwriters Round 21
10 December, 10pm till late, Alexis Ampang.
On 16 December, Azmyl Yunor and Tan Sei Hon will be performing alongside writers (inlcuding Bernice Chauly) at KLue's Words & Tunes @ MPH 1 Utama.
KLue's Words & Tunes
16 December, 8-10pm, MPH 1-Utama.
Also, don't forget the two Troubaganger Specials in December.
On the 4th, we have Troubaganger 16 Days of Activism Special.
And on the 18th, we'll have our Troubaganger Thank You Special. Hmm... what's that all about? Stay tuned to find out more.
In the meantime, stay well, party hard, and see you at the gigs!
Sunday, November 27, 2005
presented by Troubaganger and Katagender, supported by La Bodega KL
featuring Lucy In The Loo, Kohl, Leow Mei Chern, Zalila Lee, Nell and Hannah plus readings by Jasmine Low, Bernice Chauly and more.
4 December 2005, La Bodega KL
RM20 cover (half of proceeds will be be donated to an NGO tba)
Hi Everyone! Make a date with Troubaganger this Sunday, 4 December as we celebrate the International 16 Days of International Activism (25 November to 10 December).
FYI, Katagender is a collective of artists and activists who met at a workshop organised by Sisters in Islam a couple of months ago. After the workshop, a group of artists and activists decided to do something for the 16 days of activism.
During the whole duration of the 16 days , Katagender will be working in tandem with three NGOs (Sisters In Islam, Malaysian AIDS Council and Women's Aid Organisation) and on their own to carry out various artistic activities to raise public awareness about gender-based violence. Those activities inlcude mural paintings, performance art, invisible theatre and other events.
In conjunction with Katagender's roster of activities, Troubadours and Doppelganger have decided to pitch in by devoting our 4 December gig to support the worthy cause. Gender-based violence is one of the most heinous things in society today. It's the root of so much social injustice and disempowerment. Most victims and survivors of gender-based violence are are women and children. Stop the cycle of violence.
To find out more about Katagender, go to their blogsite.
Come and support this worthy cause and enjoy an evening of wonderful music and readings by an almost all-women line-up at our Troubaganger 16 Days of Activism Special. Half of the proceeds will be donated to an NGO tba.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Photos from Troubadours 8 which turned out to be a Troubaganger event (ha ha) due to a collision with our sister event Doppelganger. But we didn't mind at all, because more is definitely merrier.
Thus, instead of the usual two headliners, Troubaganger Happy Accident Special featured, in order of appearance: Rhapsody, Couple, Jay, Justin Chan, Kevin (Broken Scar), The Sofa Sessions, Fikri, Gracecars, and Lurks.
All of whom were fantastic, playing to a full-capacity crowd. We had over 50 eager audience members who came to support their favourite acts. The two girls plus one guitar dude trio Rhapsody sparked off the night to a wonderful start with their sweet wistful sounds. Couple jangled through a set of old and new songs, infecting all with their bittersweet youthfulness. Jay, an open miker, did a strange medley of Smells Like Teen Spirit and Zombie. Justin Chan who only recently returned home after several years in the UK broke more than a few hearts with his romantic set. Kevin (Broken Scar) roused the crowd with his folk rockin' numbers to great effect. The Sofa Sessions got everyone tapping their feet and singing along with their feel-good melodies. Then Bodega waiter Fikri joined the band for a Peter Pan number. Gracecars, aka Fergus Ong, shared his charming tunes about love and not being afraid to die. Then, last but not least, Lurks ended the night on a majestic tone with a set of melodically dark and haunting electro-acoustic songs.
And below we share with you some photos from the night. We like to thank Hari for letting us borrow her camera.
Our next date will be Troubaganger 16 Days of Activism Special on Dec 4. Stay tune for more details in the next few days.

Jasmine Low, Doppelganger organiser and honorary fourth Troubadour, tells Kevin (Broken Scar) he has to go up onstage and play otherwise she'll call the Troubadours gang and maim him for life.

Couple. But actually, who is the couple here?

Sasha, one half of the two-woman sound company (the other half is Gerardine who is camera shy) that tweaks the sound for both Troubadours and Doppelganger. Everyone is in love with Sasha. Oh!

Rafil of 360 Degree Head Rotation scanning the crowd to recruit for some head-spinning. What does Satan want? The Disarseter Records compilation Panic In The Peninsula, y'all!!! It features a whole lot of bands. Look out for it at the next Troubaganger if you don't already know where to get it.

Sometimes the only way to respond when listening to good music at Troubadours and Doppelganger is to cuddle up next to a person you like. Aww! Lurks really sets the mood. Oh my!

Ariff Akhir of The Sofa Sessions gives his best impression of a teddy bear. Aww!

Kevin (Broken Scar) has no fear of the crowd. If you want to know how and the rest of us do it, scroll down.

Nicole from Rhapsody sharing a laugh with Justin Chan. What are they laughing about?

Alex Yong, longtime supporter of Troubadours, turns up with a mysterious pretty friend. Alex, Alex, what are we supposed to think?

When he's not serving those demanding customers, La Bodega KL waiter Fikri loves to rock out and sing. Word has it that he's working on original material. Look out, Mawi!

Fergus Ong (who performed on the night as Gracecars) with a friend. Who is she, Fergus?

Our friend, the experimental musician and sound artist Goh Lee Kwang makes an appearance, surrounded by spectral shapes no less. Check out his latest CD Punk Guitar, available at Troubadours gigs.

Ide. First time at Troubaganger. Percayalah!

"We want you as our sex slave!" Troubadour Azmyl Yunor with Zack from Lurks are serious! But their girlfriends most probably don't know.

We have reason to believe this cute girl's name is Nyla (sorry if we got the spelling wrong). She didn't sing any songs but nevertheless stole a few hearts. Write to us!

"How does he do it?" Sasha peers over the mixing desk to peek at what Lurks's The Other Zack is doing to his elaborate spread of drum machines.

All we know about this hottie is that she's spoken for. So admire from afar only! Otherwise Azlan from Lurks will call on the two Zacks and twist you into pretzels.

Lurks, otherwise known as the Men In Black, is ready to sing you a song.

Members of Rhapsody take a minute to settle down after sound check.

Concentrate. Focus. Concencentrate. Focus. Look serious. We love the crowd at Troubaganger.

"This song's about a girl." Lead singer Aidil explains that all of Couple's songs are about girls. And then more girls.

Gig organiser Shah being photographed while photographing. If you want his number, you can...

Open miker Jay lets it all out. Yeah, man, that's how you do it!

Yet another sultry pose of Sasha. What can we say. We are in love!

The delectable Justin Chan with his equally delectable friend Laura. Our question is: who is the luckier one?

Usually Troubadours and Doppelganger get small crowds. But Troubaganger always seems to pack Bodega KL to the brim. Then riots ensue. The crowd goes ballistic! The papparazzi go mad! Arrgghhh... the inhumanity!

Zack (there are two Zacks in Lurks) and Azlan from Lurks in a moody pose. As you can tell, black is their colour of choice. But, of course.

The talented Zalila Lee shows us her collection of earrings. BTW, Zalila will be appearing in our next Troubaganger Special on Dec 4.

Hey, where's that photo gonna go? If you have photos of Troubadours you wanna share on this blogsite, send them troubadourskl@gmail.com Of course, they don't only have to be about Troubadours. They can be any picture you don't mind sharing with us. The nastier, the better.

Jasmine Low is our shepherdess. We love her!

"Hey Zack, what's up?" Zack from Lurks waits for Zack from Lurks to start up the beat. "I need a beat, Zack." "Beat it, Zack!" "Come on, Zack!" "You come on, Zack!" Oh dear.

Rhaspody. Don't play play!

Here's another shot of cutie Justin Chan. To all the girls out there, yes, Justin is available. You can call him at...

Is love in the air? Oh yes! The romantic vibes at Troubaganger is as thick as cheesecake, baby! Ow!

"Can't take my eyes off you!" Everyone scream for The Sofa Sessions! 1, 2, 3...

This is what the performers see behind the mic at Troubaganger. Isn't it intimidating, folks? But you know how we do it? We imagine everyone naked. Now, look closer and do it yourself.

"Didn't you guys remember to bring the gimp?" Couple are more mysterious than you think, boys and girls.

Sometimes, moments of reflection just overcome you at Troubaganger. "Did I turn off the kettle?" Oh.

Azmyl, Alex and friend. We love our friends at Troubaganger. We do. We do.

Fergus Ong, performing as Gracecars (the other two members couldn't make it), bravely holding the singer songwriter torch! Go Fergus!

As a parting shot, we have Janet Lee, who dropped by Troubaganger to have a look. We asked if she could sing a song but she didn't have anything prepared, but maybe next time (we look forward to it, babe). The young lass is also a singer who recently appeared as one of the chorus girls in KLPAC's Pygmalion. If you want her number, you can call...
Well, that's boys and grrls. See you next time. Remember, next date is Dec 4. Don't forget to bring the love.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Ok,Ok, like we freakin finally got a blog space to blog, and none of the three busker-teers are blogging! Only JK has been dilligently putting up pics and announcements and reporting how much fun and successful each gig we've had and how much the rest of you losers missed out for not checking it out!! (what a freakin liar!)
But Ddamn, we aint natural buggers..oopps i mean bloggers.(Dont know bout JK though..the bugging part i mean)
So like, a month ago, me and JK were hanging out at KL Central brainstorming abt wht we can pursue under the Troubadours banner and enterprise etc, and he was complaining la about how come me and Azmyl aint bloggin like the worlds goin to end tommorow..so i told the fella, 'who the heck wants to read abt us anyways??' We're just your average 'joe+jane makan gaji' what, nothing exciting to share la' our daily routine is as common as everybody else.The fella thought that WE singer-songwriters are a DIFFERENT breed. (Ooooo.....i can hear charges of elitism from the leftist tendencies within my psyche) Haiya, we're as different as Tom'sDick'sHarry la...But, i thought maybe we should like write abt juicy stuffs la, like who's fucking who's brains out and all that jazz, u know stimulating intellectual 'stuff', Now these are the kind of material WE at troubadours should be proud to blog abt!! (Sure win one i told the fella) Wht else could bring in truckloads of decent Malaysian readers who care abt 'real music, real people' flocking to our blogspot for the 'latest'?
That fella shake his head, abhorred at the idea that im bringing down the singer songwriter image to a new low (lazy bums, drunkards, arrogant asskissing opportunists, horny bastards And bitches (must'nt leave the ladies out..PC what) copycats, shameless imitators and now gossip mongers and rumourmillers?!!)
But i know, that fella is in denial one, he KNOWs thats wht we need one,anyways, have to keep on convincing the fella la, because if he dont agree, i can't write abt the things you dear readers, really want to read abt in blog what, i know i would, im constantly checking this blogspot for the latest, until i realise I have to pump in the goddamn info myself...damn!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Photos from Troubadours 7, 13 November featuring 360 Degree Head Rotation and Kohl.
No photos from Acoustic Fingers, 11 November featuring (oh so many!) just scroll down please
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the delay in putting up the photos from Troubadours 7. It's been pretty hectic these past two weeks.
Anyway, before we move on to Troubadours 7, we would like to apologise for not being able to put up photos from Acoustic Fingers at NBT on 11 November, which was a frikkin' runaway success. We took photos but they didn't turn out so well because... well, Jerome's still learning how to take flashless photos in dim light. And the photos were too damn dark.
But we'll try to give you a picture. The place was packed to the brim, with the singathon happening onstage. Although we started an hour late, there was electricity in the air. The audience heckled. The performers heckled back. Lots of booze flowed in between.Altogether we had about 17 singer songwriters plus a few open mic acts.
In order of appearance: Kevin (Broken Scar), Zalila Lee, Tan Sei Hon, Mils, Soft Touch, Izuan Shah, Jasemaine Gan, Jerome Kugan, Shana, Reza Salleh, Izzy, Shanon Shah, Aznan, Rhapsody and Zarul Albakri. Later on, Reza Salleh, Soft Touch and Shanon Shah went back up onstage to sing a bit more before we ended the night at around 1:30am.
We thank you Evelyn and NBT for letting Troubadours organise this gig. We thank you all the performers for being so wonderful to share your songs with us. We thank you all the audience members for being such crazy, supportive lovelies!
Troubadours 7, which happened two days later, however, was a very quiet affair. Kohl (made up of Sara Lo and her bandmates--sorry Sara for billing the band as only Sara Lo) and 360 Degree Head Rotation charged on anyway, despite the lack of audience members. Kevin (Broken Scar) and the three Troubadours Azmyl Yunor, Tan Sei Hon and Jerome Kugan also appeared as open mikers.
Kohl was sweet and pleasant as expected. The band's written some lovely new songs about love and friendship and those other types of relationships, and though they apologised for being unrehearsed, they were anything but. It's very good to see Sara Lo performing again. For those of you who committed the crime of missing out on this talented band, they'll be performing again at the Troubaganger 16 Days of Activism Special on 4 December at La Bodega KL.
Does Satan want your lovely wife? Or does Satan want a four wheel drive? The answer to that, my friends, according to Rafil and Jack of 360 Degree Head Rotation is a resounding Neither. What does Satan want? Repeat after me, kids: Satan wants more of 3DHR's caustic, irreverent and wholesomely raucous "out there" music. These two guys should come with a parental warning sticker. And, oh yeah, after Satan has had enough of the music, we pretty much agree that "Satan wants a cigarette." Cork!
And now... drumroll please... here are the pixies!

Do you come here often? Maybe you should. View of La Bodega KL from the street at night.

The writing's on the wall, dude!

Sei Hon is actually a guitar god disguised as a Chinaman.

With deep concentration, Kohl shows you how to feel.

We've had our share of surprise open mic acts in the past, but surprise guests? Imagine our surprise when Paul and David (of Paul's Place fame) came to Troubadours. Those who have never seen them outside of Paul's Place before, here's proof that they're not chained to the bar.

We're sure that all conspiracies to take over the world starts with coffee and song. Jack, Sei Hon (distracted by that chord), Kevin and Azmyl talk shop.

Rafil and a frightening close-up of Jack. Where did he get that Abattoir Blues T-shirt?

Flap faster, Kevin. Flap faster. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not guilty!"

Sara Lo and mum and friendly man (who looks like he loves his beer) strike a pose.

Saint Rafil, Patron Saint of the Ungodly, makes regular appearances at Troubadours. When he's not lighting Satan's cigarettes, that is.

A whole lot of talking goes on at Troubadours. Rafil and Jerome yak yak yak.

He works hard for the money. Azmyl makan gaji, buka perniagaan sendiri!

Sei Hon and Azmyl are nothing like the May and Choy. But maybe that's a good thing.

Teh tarik satu! What does Satan want now? Jack and Rafil of 360 Degree Head Rotation know the answer.

"I have a dream." Jack and a student who came to talk to us about Troubadours listen very intently to Azmyl's plans to overwhelm Bangi with folkies.

Jerome waits for that all-important pling!

Do you know where your fingers have been, Rafil?
Stay tuned to this page for pictures from Troubadours 8!